Download Galaxy Note 9 Stock weather widget APK for all Android Phones

If you liked the Galaxy Note 9’s Stock Launcher and Weather widget apk and wish to install it on any Android device you have then we have a great news for you. In this briefly explained tutorial we have managed to bring the stock Galaxy Note 9 default weather widget apk that can be installed on any Android device easily. Just read more to download and install official Galaxy Note 9 Stock weather widget APK on your device.

The Galaxy Note 9 Stock weather widget APK is based on all new Samsung Experience 9.0 which is customized skin over previous TouchWiz UI, however mostly it is known as TouchWiz UI. The Galaxy Note 9 stock weather widget apk brings cool new UI with accurate weather information and beautiful widgets as well. Samsung has completely revamped the look and feel of every nook and corner of the entire UI just continue along with the guide to download and install Galaxy Note 9 Plus stock weather widget app on your Android device.

Download official Galaxy Note 9 Stock weather widget APK for Android

Download the Galaxy Note 9 Stock weather widget APK from the link below:

Download Galaxy Note 9 default weather widget APK

How to install the Galaxy Note 9 default weather widget APK on any Android phone

If you have downloaded the apk file via PC then connect your device to PC and move it to phone. (Skip this step if you have already downloaded it on your device).

Now open Settings > Security > check the Unknown Sources option.

Now go back to app drawer and any file manager app, browse the earlier copied Galaxy Note 9 weather widget apk and tap to install it right away.

Once done, this will install an app called ‘XWidget’ on your device.

Tap on the app to open it and go to the online section.

Search for Galaxy S8 and choose Galaxy S8 Weather Widget from the list (Don’t worry Galaxy S8 and Note 9 come with the same Android widgets), download it.

Now choose the widget that fits best on your screen and set your current location for weather settings.

That’s it! If you like our work, please share it with your friends and stay tuned for more.

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